Regulatory Compliance
To say, regulatory compliance isn't what it used to be is an understatement. Compliance is now front and center of your organization, if not, it should be. Give us a call and we can review your current program, identify weaknesses and help you create a strong program.
Loan Review
We offer customized loan review programs. Whether you want Quality Control reviews required by Fannie or FHA, or you want a compliance review for TRID or Flood. We can make your review program what you need it to be.
Internal Audit
We also offer internal audit services for operations, lending, even safe deposit boxes. We will create a program designed for you. Monthly, quarterly, or annually, we can make it what you need it to be. We also offer mentoring for your new compliance officer. Give us a call.
Since 1993
Our Message to You
No matter who your regulator is, changes are ahead. Whether we are trending to have more regulations, eliminate regulations, changing enforcement, even eliminating regulators, one thing is for sure, CHANGE IS IN THE AIR. You need to be prepared to handle the changes as they happen.
We used to wait until our examiners told us where our errors were and we would just fix it. Then we had to hire auditors to provide guidance between exams. Next regulators started reviewing our audit work to see if it was adequate. BUT TODAY, the trend is to review your auditors work papers and determine if the work papers properly identify weaknesses. Regulators tell us now that they intend to review reports and work papers and not "dig and delve' into the minutia. Never before has it been so important that your audits are designed to suit your organization. Cookie cutter no longer works.
We believe at Ace In The Hole Management, you need audit services that address your product line, risk tolerance and the same audit for the bank next door just won't work. We can help.

Next Steps...
Let us know what you need, we will be in touch and work within your organizations risk tolerance and specific needs.